What To Eat When Travelling

How to skip the dietary dross and eat well

Maria Cross



I recently made a flying visit to Paris. Actually, I took the train, and who doesn’t love a long train journey? You get to idle away a few guilt-free hours, staring out of the window, reading the paper and drinking coffee. All with no sense of urgency. Such small pleasures are rare these days.

Rarer still is finding anything decent to eat while in transit. The travelling public is the target audience of every junk food purveyor, and even the train buffet offers no respite from their efforts. If you want to eat real food, you have to take your own.

That is an easy enough task, if you are willing to invest a little time in the preparation. You’ll also need a nifty little cool bag, to complete the aura of anorak you can expect to exude. But who cares? Remember when you’d go on school bus trips with your home-made sandwiches, and have the whole lot scoffed before the driver had even started the engine? There was — and still is — a lovely thrill of anticipation when travelling with little parcels of pre-prepared food.

So with that in mind, here are six items that made it into my cool bag, and why they ticked all the right boxes.

1. Rolled up slices of smoked, wild Alaskan salmon (along with half a…



Maria Cross

MSc. Registered nutritionist, specialising in gut and mental health. OUT NOW! My new book, How to Feed Your Brain. mariacrossnutrition @mariacross