How Not to Catch a Bug

Maria Cross
8 min readFeb 8, 2023

You don’t have to suffer. You just have to do the right thing.


It’s cold. It’s February, and it’s mean out there. There are viruses circling the wagons, looking for a warm, easy host. One that won’t put up much of a fight. Is that you?

There are those people who catch everything that’s drifting along on the breeze. Yet there are others who don’t, or who shrug off would-be assailants with ease. What separates these two camps?

Whatever it is, it probably isn’t a face mask. A January 2023 Cochrane review of all the evidence (Cochrane being the gold standard of reviews) concluded that ‘Wearing masks in the community probably makes little or no difference’ to getting flu or covid-19.

Marvellous. We wore those bacteria-ridden face coverings (and who among us didn’t keep wearing the same old scrap until it become a health hazard?) for no reason at all. We got jabbed, once, twice, thrice, before proceeding to catch the virus and pass it on to anyone with the misfortune to enter our airspace.

You were urged to get the covid jab. Then you were urged to get the flu jab.

At what point were you urged to strengthen your immune system? To arm yourself with the best possible natural defence?



Maria Cross

MSc. Registered nutritionist, specialising in gut and mental health. OUT NOW! My new book, How to Feed Your Brain. mariacrossnutrition @mariacross